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Aniar IT Services has been serving the Castlebar area since 2003, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Actively Using Encryption Builds a More Secure Business

Actively Using Encryption Builds a More Secure Business

Encryption has become one of the most dynamic cybersecurity tools available for individuals and organizations. In today’s blog, we will define encryption and how it helps professionals thwart potential cyberattacks.

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What are the Biggest Mistakes Security Professionals Make?

What are the Biggest Mistakes Security Professionals Make?

Cyberattacks will not let up anytime soon, so businesses need to be prepared with the knowledge and expertise to combat them. Unfortunately, finding the right folks with the right expertise is hard. According to a report from Kaspersky titled “The Portrait of Modern Information Security Professional,” the world is short about 4 million security professionals, and even the existing professionals make grave errors in their first couple of years. Let’s take a look at some of these insights and see what we can learn from them.

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Password Managers Let You Protect Everything with a Single Password

Password Managers Let You Protect Everything with a Single Password

Password management can be challenging for both businesses and individuals, but it doesn't have to be as difficult as it seems. With the increasing threat of cybersecurity attacks, relying on a single password is no longer sufficient. Instead, you need to use complex passwords stored in a password manager, which simplifies the process of remembering them.

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How to Take the Sting Out of a Phishing Attack

How to Take the Sting Out of a Phishing Attack

We talk a lot about phishing on this blog, and for good reason. It makes up a significant portion of today’s cyberthreats, irrespective of size or industry. Today, we want to highlight how your business can protect itself from phishing attacks and keep their impacts to a minimum. We’ll dive into some details about phishing schemes and the solutions you can implement to keep your business safe.

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How Ransomware is a Danger to Your Business and Your Customers

How Ransomware is a Danger to Your Business and Your Customers

Ransomware is not just a business problem; it is also a consumer and user problem. While it might lock down your business’ files and make them inaccessible, there is also the possibility that the cybercriminals will steal and sell the data on the black market rather than safely return it. What happens to users who have had their data stolen during a ransomware attack?

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Take the Pressure Off Your Team with Co-Managed IT

Take the Pressure Off Your Team with Co-Managed IT

If your organization is fortunate enough to have an internal IT department, it’s likely that they are managing a complex infrastructure on top of being understaffed and overworked. We're not knocking your business or anything; it’s just the nature of the work and the reality of SMBs (trust us, we’d know). We can make managing your technology significantly easier and less of a pressure on your IT workers.

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How Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Work

How Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Work

Cybersecurity attacks happen when you least expect it, and data is often more susceptible to a cyberattack while it’s moving from one individual to another. This is what is commonly known as a man-in-the-middle attack, or MitM. Essentially, data gets intercepted while it’s in transit—but what can you really do to stop it? Let’s find out.

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Local Businesses Should Schedule Regular Cybersecurity Audits

Local Businesses Should Schedule Regular Cybersecurity Audits

The second you hear “audit,” your brain likely goes into damage control mode. However, the purposes of an audit are not necessarily malicious. In fact, they can be remarkably beneficial for a number of reasons, including network security. A good audit can help your business stay secure from threats and vulnerabilities.

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How to Ward Against Getting Ransomware

How to Ward Against Getting Ransomware

Every year, there seems to be a notable increase in high-profile ransomware attacks. If you haven't yet devised a plan to shield your business from these dangers, the time to act is now. Luckily, there are proactive steps you can take to reduce the impact of ransomware attacks, and it all starts with preparation.

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The 3 Most Essential Cybersecurity Best Practices for SMBs

The 3 Most Essential Cybersecurity Best Practices for SMBs

The misconception that small businesses are immune to cyberthreats is dangerous. In reality, their size and often lax security measures make them attractive targets. The cost of a cyber incident can be devastating for small and medium-sized businesses. It can lead to downtime, reputation damage, and significant financial loss.

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Printers Can Pose a Security Risk If You Aren’t Careful

Printers Can Pose a Security Risk If You Aren’t Careful

Multifunctional printers can be indispensable business tools. However, they also pose significant security risks, potentially serving as entry points for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and pilfer sensitive data and resources. Safeguarding your organization against these threats is paramount. This blog post will explore key measures to fortify your networks against printer-based vulnerabilities.

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Five Tricks to Keep Your Tech Secure While Traveling

Five Tricks to Keep Your Tech Secure While Traveling

You or one of your employees may need to work while on the road for many reasons. Unfortunately, this can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. We wanted to take a few minutes to (hopefully) review some security best practices your entire team should follow should they ever find themselves working as they travel.

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How Has Ransomware Evolved Over the Years?

How Has Ransomware Evolved Over the Years?

Did you know that the first case of ransomware surfaced in 1989? Since then, it has grown far more dangerous and common. Let’s examine some of the numbers regarding ransomware and how you can avoid it affecting your organization. 

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Why Your Business Needs 24/7 Network Monitoring and Surveillance

Why Your Business Needs 24/7 Network Monitoring and Surveillance

Do you have the time to monitor your networks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? If not, you’re like every other business owner out there, and if you’re not monitoring your network, you’re potentially leaving it open to a lot more threats than you should feel comfortable with. 

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What an Attack on UnitedHealth Tells Us About Cybersecurity

What an Attack on UnitedHealth Tells Us About Cybersecurity

There has recently been a surge in cyberattacks and data breaches targeting the healthcare industry and its affiliated businesses and vendors. With one such attack currently featured prominently in the headlines, it seemed appropriate to consider why this is and what businesses of all kinds—particularly those in healthcare—need to do to prevent this kind of thing from happening to them.

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A Layman’s Guide to Cybersecurity

A Layman’s Guide to Cybersecurity

Ensuring cybersecurity is important for individuals both in their professional and personal lives. Hence, I've compiled a set of cybersecurity practices that you should advocate for your team, especially when they're working remotely or during their personal time.

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It Makes Sense Financially to Secure Your Network

It Makes Sense Financially to Secure Your Network

Are you prioritizing your business’ network security? It’s remarkably important that any modern business focuses its efforts on this aspect of running a company. Still, it can be challenging to implement the right tools for the job—particularly if you are a future-minded business. You want to get the best return on your investment, which makes sense. Let’s help you get there.

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Here are Some Basic Categories of Security Threats and Issues Facing SMBs

Here are Some Basic Categories of Security Threats and Issues Facing SMBs

It seems like with every day that passes, there is a new sinister cyberthreat to worry about, and it’s crucial that businesses learn as much as possible about how to keep themselves safe as they can. There is simply too much at stake not to. That said, there are broad categories that most threats will fall under. Today, we’re going to explore them.

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You Aren’t Immune to Data Theft

You Aren’t Immune to Data Theft

Our digital footprint is extensive and vulnerable, from personal information to financial details. While many may believe they are impervious to data theft, the stark reality is that no one is truly immune. Today, we will take a look at a couple of reasons why individuals, regardless of their experience with technology, are not exempt from data theft.

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Here’s What We Recommend for SMB Network Security

Here’s What We Recommend for SMB Network Security

Network security is complicated, and as such, you need to have considerable knowledge of it to ensure that your business is as secure as possible against the plethora of threats out there. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone. We want to give you some insight into the dos and don’ts of network security.

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